Thursday, July 14, 2011

RH Bill gets support from Cebu Bloggers Society

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 11:12:00 PM 1 comments

Last July 2, 2011, the largest organized blogging community in the Philippines, Cebu Bloggers Society, Inc., declared its full support for the Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development Bill (House Bill 4244) or RH Bill as we all know. It is probably the only blogging organization here in the Philippines that made a collective stand on such issue.

Below is the entire text of the manifesto posted in the CBSi Facebook Page:
We, the undersigned Board of Trustees, as official representatives of our organization Cebu Bloggers Society, Inc., support the Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development Bill (House Bill 4244) and urge its immediate passage in Congress.

We see the need to fight for and uphold our sexual and reproductive rights – inalienable human rights which must be fulfilled by the State. Furthermore, we believe that the Reproductive Health Bill:

* Will provide us with an appropriate, non-discriminatory and participatory avenue to learn and understand our sexuality and rights through comprehensive age-appropriate sexuality and reproductive health education;

* Promotes gender equality and equity, with no discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS or any individual based on sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities, and ethnicity;

* Can effectively reduce unplanned pregnancies which often result to induced abortions, maternal deaths, prevent the spread of sexually-transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, and improve the quality of life of every child and youth through information and services on sexual and reproductive health; and

* Recognizes, respects and promotes the right of every Filipino, including the youth, to free and informed choice.

We call on President Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Aquino III to continue supporting the passage of the RH Bill.

Ultimately, we encourage fellow bloggers and our fellow Filipino youth to actively promote and educate the youth and the public of the salience of the RH Bill. We also call for strengthened lobbying efforts to congressional legislators to support and participate in ongoing campaigns for the passage of the RH Bill.


Unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees on the 2nd day of July 2011.

Cebu Bloggers Society, Inc.
It is ironic though that almost all of our Congressmen are against the RH Bill. Only Cebu City South District Congressman Tommy OsmeƱa support the RH Bill but he won't sign the bill for him not to strain his long-time relations with former Cebu City North District Congressman Raul Del Mar who is a staunch critic of the RH Bill. May our beloved Congressmen listen to the real clamor of their constituents.

I also encourage other blogging communities across the Philippines to do so by making a stand on this issue.


1 Response so far:

tomtax said...

I support the RH Bill along with all my office mates here.

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