Friday, September 11, 2009

Planning about "I Love CIT Orange Booklet" online picture contest

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 12:50:00 PM 0 comments

The success of the CIT Orange Booklet Fan Page in Facebook has really impressed me on the online power of Technologians. Truly, Technologians always make it to the top!

With this, I am planning to have an online picture contest among Technologians on how they can creatively show their love to our CIT Orange Booklet that we now hold dear to be entitled as "I Love CIT Orange Booklet" Online Photo Contest. I can sponsor some prizes, but it would not be enough.

I am encouraging those who are interested in sponsoring this planned online picture contest to contact me at kevinraychua[at]

Some notes that I have in mind about this online picture contest is that, as what I have said earlier, a Technologian or a group of Technologians will be doing a creative way on how they would show their love to the CIT Orange Booklet. Use your photography and/or photo-editing skills!

The contestants will also be including in their picture the web address of the CIT Orange Booklet which is

List of sponsors shall be included on the picture. It would be up to the contestant on how to do it in a creative way.

This online picture contest will be open only for current students of Cebu Institute of Technology.

But remember, those are still notes that I have scribbled on how this online picture contest will work. It's still open for changes.

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