This is the famous quote of Mark Gosingtian in his Tumblr page and has been a viral testament to each and every Filipino. Indeed, it resonates in us. As Juan Country honors the hero within the Filipino race, I myself want to share to you on how I plan to become a hero for my country, our country, in 2010.

- Vote for the right stewards of this country and protect that vote - This year, after 9 years of suffering from a corrupt, both in money and moral, government, we are once again given the golden opportunity to choose the leaders that best deserves to steer this country on where it should be. Finally, after a long wait, I am already a registered voter and I'm doing not just my right to vote, but my obligation for a better Philippines. Voting will not be enough though. We need to protect it. No matter who wins, as long as we know that all those votes are valid and genuine, it's the essence of democracy. Yes, I am the start but if other will not do their part, that start would be meaningless. My vote, your vote and our votes must be counted.
- Dispose my garbage properly - I am a cluttered and disorganized person. I have already saw its effects on me and I intend to put an end to it. By starting with myself on disposing my garbage properly, recycle those that can still be used and proper segregation, I can be able to help others with proper garbage disposal. It's something that we must do, or else, I will haunt us back. Remember the floods?
- Share my knowledge to others - This year, I will continue to share my knowledge not only to my friends, but also to others who want to be informed. By sharing what I have learned, I can be able to spread it around others who will in turn spread it on others too, thus creating a ripple effect.
congrats! u won! :-) akin na lang, if ayaw mo.. lol..
congrats for winning in this contest! Apir!
nga pala, Hope you could support my latest blog entry by just leaving a comment. Super thanks friend! >>
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