Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saying NO on moving the school opening from June to September

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 1:42:00 AM 1 comments

There has been a move from Senator Franklin M. Drilon to move the opening of classes from June to September through Senate Bill 2407 because of the prevalent weather conditions that would hamper the classes.

Probably, some of the people would like this idea because they want to be different but actually, it's not. It's a mere copying of the U.S. model wherein they start their classes on the month of September.

I was able to chat via Facebook with my former high school Principal Isidro B. Villaflor of Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School who is now a SPED teacher in Maryland. It was just an ordinary conversation until he opened the topic to me. I felt lucky to be able to chat with someone who really knows why the U.S. starts their classes every September. When he asked me if I approve the proposal of moving the school opening, I told him "No." I thought that he would question my answer but instead, he told me that it was a good decision. He shared to me that in the U.S., the month of June is a hot season wherein weather temperature can rise up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They're even compelled to suspend classes when the heat intensifies on that month. He said it would be better for the Philippine government to stick with the traditional school opening and not just do a copycat.

In our world today, we can't already predict if the weather is still following its course on that month. We'll be surprised that this month used to be a dry season but now, heavy rains flood our areas.

The problem is not the weather. We can't declare a "typhoon non grata" just to shoo away those typhoons. With this proposal of Senator Drilon, we're not solving the problem. Instead, we're creating another set of problems. This can't solve our textbook shortage problem, or the quality teacher shortage problem, or even the school facilities shortage problem. If flooding is the problem, then let's fix the drainage system.

Let's stick with the traditional school opening. Change is good but is it the good change that we are looking for?

1 Response so far:

Art III Masbate said...

if it's not broken, don't fix it..
NO TO June-September thingy.. haha

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