Monday, January 10, 2011

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange: The Real Pulpy Deal

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 12:01:00 AM 4 comments

Choosing the right and healthy drink is quite a challenge for those like me who are now prioritizing health over pleasure. Many in the market have been promising this and that to the consumers. Now is the time to find out which among them is the real one. Then here comes Minute Maid Pulpy Orange.

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange

I found out from Janette Toral about this blog contest and I also wanted to share about this healthy drink that's making a buzz to the health-conscious people out there.

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is the Real Pulpy Deal with NO PRESERVATIVES ADDED! Yes, you heard it right. The healthy drink that really assures you good health. Made from the real orange, once you drink it,the orange pulp is evident on this healthy drink. No doubt, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is the right choice for everyone.

From taking a break to your daily exercise, always have the Minute Maid Pulpy Orange drink on your side. It's your health partner for a healthy living!

Join the "Pulp up your blog" contest now by using the Pulpy Blog Generator! I will have a chance to choose one person who would comment on this blog post to win prizes from Minute Maid if my blog post will win in the blog contest.

To know more about this healthy drink, LIKE them on Facebook:

4 Responses so far:

Jeanbeltran said...

Goodluck kevin! May you win in this blog contest!

gracesongbird said...

Hi Kevin,
Minute Maid is indeed a great drink for everyone! Nice blog post :)
Hopefully you could also drop me a comment or pulpy smile on my BLOG POST HERE ^_^
Blessings and Good luck.

vanhusain said...

Minute Made Orange is needed for everyone . It is a great drink for health . Nice Post here.

MonaVie said...

Love this drink. Even my family loves it so I try not to run out of it.

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