Monday, May 30, 2011

Saving our Coral Reefs and Seas Starts with Us

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 12:59:00 PM 2 comments

What we treasure must be cherished. Unfortunately, some of opportunists wouldn't even dare to care about it. We are outraged by the brazen attack on our awesome and diverse marine resources which we treasure so much.

I was alarmed, when I was talking with fellow blogger Tonyo Cruz during the Cebu Blog Camp 2011 last Saturday, that Cebu is one of the places being exploited by these no-mercy foreign firms specifically by Shell Horizons.

Coral reefs are called the rainforests of the sea which houses diverse marine species, provide habitat and breeding ground for commercially important species, provide natural buffers to the coastlines from erosions, and contain the highest biodiversity of any marine ecosystem.

In their website (which I think has a site template circa 1990), Shell Horizons claims to have been viewed more than 10 million times since 1998 and describes itself as the "US Largest Wholesaler of Seashells and Seashell Products, Finest Quality Seashells and Souvenirs Since – 1976." They have touted the variety of marine resources that they have exploited in our own seas!

Surprised? Me too! The existence of this firm at the first place is plainly stupid. Their making business out of our precious marine resources that gives life to our seas. This is marine life plunder to its maximum level!

Another incident that I was also appalled was the rape of the ocean in the Moro Gulf and in the Sulu Sea where poachers decimated an entire "reef complex" - almost twice as big as Metro Manila - when they harvested more than 21,000 pieces of black coral and killed 161 endangered turtles and other marine life. One of the turtles killed was a male aged 80 to 100 years old. In the latest update, it's already 5 times the size of Metro Manila!

A Cluster Coral which the US Firm Shell Horizon is very proud of after exploiting our seas

Deep Bowl Corals placed in a boat after US Firm Shell Horizon raped our seas

Cats Paw Coral dumped in a beach sand by US Firm Shell Horizon ready for pick-up

Now, do you have the same thinking as of Shell Horizons?

Together, we vehemently disapprove this exploitation of our seas. The only way this would stop is in our hands. As we know, change starts with us and it must be unrelenting for the marine resource that we treasure so much. What we do now would be very much important for the generations to come. We don't want to tell our grandchildren in the future that coral reefs are already a thing of the past and seeing it is already impossible. We don't want to be blamed by our grandchildren in the future for not taking an action that would make or brake our beloved Earth.

We call on all Filipino bloggers, Tumblr and Posterous users, Tweeps, Plurkers and all netizens to join the June 8 International Blog Action Day to save our seas and coral reefs. Your voices, our actions are that important.


* Tweet, Plurk, or post to spread the word about this event: Share or repost this announcement.
* Use the Twitter hashtag #reefwatchPH when you talk about this issue or promote an article in relation to this.
* Spread the URL to your friends.
* Repost and share the official campaign badge which will be posted soon on at
* Most importantly, on JUNE 8, 2011, let us join the Blog Action Day from your favorite social media channels (Blog, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Plurk, Facebook, etc.)


While the issue is serious, there are a lot of creative ways to send our message across on or before June 8:

* An open letter to officials and companies.
* A photo essay about your favorite beaches or dive spots.
* Design and share mini-posters, posters and drawings.
* If you grew up near a beach, tell us about your fond memories.
* Post about why your (future) kids and future grandkids ought to have the chance to see and enjoy our coral reefs and seas.
* Why harvesting and peddling corals is bad for the environment and is bad business.
* Proposals on how to protect or clean up our seas.
* If you belong to a clan, group, or organization, invite them to join the event.

Taking an extra step or two won’t harm too. You may email your senator, congressman, the Environment secretary, and even the President to demand action.

Let us harness the power of social media to stir awareness, inspire people, demand action and reject the exploitation of our pristine marine resources.

2 Responses so far:

Anonymous said...

how rude!!!

Pyro said...

consehal ayaw nya ko kalimte karong 2013..heheh

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