Friday, March 23, 2012

A Safe and Effective Way to Treat Acne

Posted by Kevin Ray N. Chua on 9:33:00 PM 0 comments

Puberty years are usually the time when that acne pops out and if we're not able to handle the problem properly, it would result to decreased self-confidence especially among teens who are starting to stand out.

This topic is quite awkward to talk about but it's something that we all must face. Acne can make or break ourselves during our puberty years. I have friends who have succeed at their best despite having severe acne problems but not all have that guts. Also, those people who have severe acne problems who happen to be successful also wish to keep those acne away.

What causes pimples or acne? Part of it would be your pores being clogged by dead skin cells. Another would be oil building up in that area. When a portion is affected, acne bacteria multiplies fast if your skin is oily. It turns red and swells as your immune response fights off the bacteria proliferation.

During my high school years, acne was one of my problems. Being a student leader, you need to meet and talk with different people and having an acne was just so uncomfortable. There were times that it pops out the least you expect it. Probably, this was because I slept too late, my fatty diet and I seldom wash my face before sleeping. Thus, it was haunting me.

Thinking of the cost, I was hesitant to use products that stop acne on the first sign of its appearance. I just let it pop out. There's also the temptation to burst it just like everyone else. The result, I have some scars on my face after being tempted to thwart that acne on growing bigger.

Someone recommended me to use kalamansi or Perla soap to keep acne away on my face but kalamansi was just so harsh and Perla soap ended up drying my face. That person told me that it worked for him but it seemed not working for me. So, after a few days of doing those rituals, I ditched it. Instead, I was just praying day by day that acne will keep away. Naks!

Then there's Proactiv, something I have heard before on TV. My cousin who also was struggling from acne problems bought some Proactiv products and I decided to try it. After a few weeks, I was able too see the result and it was far off better to what I tried. Too bad I wasn't able to finish that treatment since I was sharing the product with my cousin but I saw the improvement. I had less occurrence of acne compared to before when it was almost every week.

The product proved to be effective and safe compared to the usual products which had side effects. Besides, when it won't work with you, there's a money back guarantee! Take that other products!

Not only teens think on how to manage pimples and skin care problems. Even adults too. It's always a challenge on how to keep those away but good thing, there's a good product out there in the market which helps you face the problem... safely and effectively. :D

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