Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. That's something that we wouldn't like to hear. But the seeds have already been planted as she filed her certificate of candidacy at the Commission on Elections office in San Fernando City, Pampanga.

Given her statement that she's running for a congressional seat in the 2nd district of Pampanga because she could not completely step down from "public service," makes me wonder what's in her mind. The numerous sorties that she has done in Pampanga has already given her a good start.
I must agree that running for any position below the Presidency is allowed because there's no such thing that prohibits it. In short, it is LEGAL.
But as what happened today, it has just shown the hunger for power of Mrs. Arroyo. She has learned to love it and crave more of it. It's for her political survival after all.
It is IMMORAL, INDECENT and an INSULT to the Office of the President. The political sky has a limit and it is the Presidency. Most of the politicians who start their political career dream of becoming a President someday and for Mrs. Arroyo, she sees no limit. She's willing to go down and continue to hold that ladder thus denying others of the opportunity for public service which is stipulated in our Constitution.
She has been in hallucination for power. What a shame to the world!
The only way to prevent a Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from becoming into a reality is defeating her. It might be a hard one but I know we can do it.
Enough is enough Gloria! The 9 years under your watch has been a nightmare and we won't allow to let Pampanga suffer from your hunger for power.

Photo courtesy of ABS-CBNNews.Com
Given her statement that she's running for a congressional seat in the 2nd district of Pampanga because she could not completely step down from "public service," makes me wonder what's in her mind. The numerous sorties that she has done in Pampanga has already given her a good start.
I must agree that running for any position below the Presidency is allowed because there's no such thing that prohibits it. In short, it is LEGAL.
But as what happened today, it has just shown the hunger for power of Mrs. Arroyo. She has learned to love it and crave more of it. It's for her political survival after all.
It is IMMORAL, INDECENT and an INSULT to the Office of the President. The political sky has a limit and it is the Presidency. Most of the politicians who start their political career dream of becoming a President someday and for Mrs. Arroyo, she sees no limit. She's willing to go down and continue to hold that ladder thus denying others of the opportunity for public service which is stipulated in our Constitution.
She has been in hallucination for power. What a shame to the world!
The only way to prevent a Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from becoming into a reality is defeating her. It might be a hard one but I know we can do it.
Enough is enough Gloria! The 9 years under your watch has been a nightmare and we won't allow to let Pampanga suffer from your hunger for power.
"She's willing to go down and continue to hold that ladder thus denying others the opportunity for public service which is stipulated in the Constitution."
FIrst, what is "stipulated in the Constitution"?
Second, how is she "denying others the opportunity for service"? Is she hindering her opponents to run? Or are you presuming that Arroyo would win anyway?
More at my page...
Well, what can you expect...
@ TheQuantumTokyo - Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution says that "The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law."
She is hindering her opponents to run because of her current position, as President of the Philippines, which is more powerful than a Congress representative. With that position, she has the edge that can make her win even if she wouldn't campaign personally. If she has delicadeza, she can resign from the position in order to level the playing field and prevent her from using public funds in her campaign.
"makes me wonder what's in her mind" statement was made to hit back on her EO 464 policy which prohibits Executive Department officials (like Department Secretaries, Office of the President, etc.) from answering invitations to speak from the Legislature w/o approval from her. Except for trade secrets and matters that affect the national security, why is this policy being used by the Arroyo administration in order to cover-up allegations that need some answers? What is she afraid of? How can we be able to do a "thorough research and study on this sensitive matter" when we are not even allowed to do it w/o her approval. Even the Freedom of Information Bill in the Congress is stalled for this.
Immoral, defined as "violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics." ( Indecent, defined as "offending against generally accepted standards of propriety or good taste; improper; vulgar" ( Running for public office is neither immoral or indecent, but as to the case of what Mrs. Arroyo did, it is. Not because she's "allegedly" corrupt or "perceived" as bad, but because of not conforming the standards. Most Presidents have preferred to stay out of public office and preferred doing social work and being involved in the private sector, like Cory Aquino and Fidel Ramos who have acted as great elders to the nation. To Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic who has continued his human rights advocacy after stepping down as President and so as Bill Clinton of USA who has continued his advocacy on fighting AIDS and global warming. Though then President John Quincy Adams ran and won as U.S. representative from Massachusetts and then President Andrew Johnson as U.S. senator from Tennessee, they were never involved in matters relating to amending their Constitution unlike Mrs. Arroyo, who didn't had the courage, despite her power, to tell her allied Congressmen to stop provisions that will extend their term beyond 2010. The death of Cory Aquino instead halted it by Makati Rep. Teddy Boy Locsin's statement.
An Insult in the sense that the Office of the Presidency is never enough. She can still serve the people of Pampanga even if she's not Congresswoman. I am not limiting the passion for service of the people. Efren PeƱaflorida didn't ran for office in order to help the children who wanted to learn. I said "political sky limit" because the Presidency is the highest elective position in the land.
Yes, we are not residents of the 2nd district of Pampanga but the only way she can be able to have political power again is by being elected to the place where disregards "allegations" about her. Even if these are "allegations", there is still a need to investigate it so that we would know if these will remain "allegations" or not.
@ TheQuantumTokyo - Saying it "hard" for her to lose means that she can do everything that she wants given her current position. Besides, she has already given more projects, by prioritizing it, to the 2nd District of Pampanga that will surely delight them.
Yes, she has accomplishments in her 9 years of governance. There's the RoRo shipping and more infrastructure projects, roads and bridges. And the best accomplishment that she has ever done, as what Chiz Escudero said, is by letting Filipinos get serious on electing their leaders. She has angered a lot of Filipinos by not even making things clear on these "allegations." She might have been able to redeem herself if she was able to answer all of it.
No one can be perfect. Despite being given the chance to defend herself in an impeachment court, her allies have continued to struck down every impeachment complaints. Those were lost opportunities.
9 continuous years as President was achieved by being able to control the Armed Forces and the Police force to suppress anyone that is against her policies that are unlawful. To name a few, the Calibrated Pre-emptive Response and Proclamation 1017 which some parts were nullified by the Supreme Court.
This just in: Even former President Fidel Ramos has called on her to resign, "while the law may not require that she quit her post," Ramos said Mrs. Arroyo "should step down in order to level the playing field in the congressional race in Pampanga's 2nd district."
@ Chua
i posted a response at my page (i rather find it hard to type without the functionality of the arrow keys, etc.)
P.S. I'm glad we are keeping this debate friendly.
P.P.S. If you don't mind, why are you not running for CIT-SSG President?
Yes, she had the "courage to do things others have not dared to do" because she has a plan and Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita has even admitted that Mrs. Arroyo's top agenda was Charter Change.
How can we trust the intentions of Mrs. Arroyo when we already knew that she can't even keep her promise on not running for President in 2004? Or asking for forgiveness on the Hello Garci controversy and not even naming the COMELEC official whom she called. Those are just a few happenings that the Filipino people have been disappointed with her.
If a leader, who hasn't been like that, would have done the act of running for a lower office, there would have been no fuss. But in the case of Mrs. Arroyo, it's the other way around.
Political alliances of today will never remain the same as the political boiling pot progress. I agree that it would still be up to the people on choosing GOOD representatives. But the question probably is, "is there enough of them?" that can make it impossible for her to be a Prime Minister in the event that we shift from a Presidential to a Parliamentary form of government. Besides, Mrs. Arroyo still has the money to do what she wants.
Mrs. Arroyo has never been a politician until she joined the government in 1987 as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry and ran for Senator and won in the 1992 elections. She was an economist and it was even stated in the job description of her COC in the 2004 elections. As an economist, she could have been able to serve the people by being organizing micro-finance programs, join the private sector & promote economic competitiveness and teach economics to Filipino students, as she was also a professor in different schools, notably the University of the Philippines and the Ateneo de Manila University.
If ever elected as Representative of the 2nd district of Pampanga, as stated in Sec. 11, Article 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution that "A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall, in all offenses punishable by not more than six years imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while the Congress is in session. No Member shall be questioned nor be held liable in any other place for any speech or debate in the Congress or in any committee thereof." She might able to use this provision in order to prevent arrest if ever proven guilty of those allegations hurled against her.
Yes, "SHE WILL WIN" because she's the President and running for a lower position. She has more control of government funds than anyone below her position which can be a possible avenue for corruption and might be indirectly used for her campaign.
Having full control of the AFP and the PNP, as Commander-in-chief, doesn't necessarily mean that all of them support her. Instead of using them for national security matters, she instead used them for her political survival. Some of those who feel it wasn't right anymore even went against her namely Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, Brig. General Danilo Lim and Marine Col. Ariel Querubin.
I'm glad to have a friendly debate with you also. I already have an idea on who you are since you started commenting in this post. I better keep it myself. But fear not as I am not a political warlord with guns, goons and gold. :)
On the other topic, I'm not running for CIT-SSG President because my academic grades forbids me. I'm not really in to IT but more on the political side, probably Political Science or even Mass Communications that's why I don't have high grades on my major subjects. But this is where I am.
Instead, I'm helping to train leaders that can best lead the CIT-SSG. Yes, I have been also aspiring for that position but the Almighty One has other plans for me. It might be my run for the City Council this 2013 that would start my political career hopefully. I will continue to serve in the CIT-SSG even if I'm not the President.
i've left a response on my page
I don't intend to keep my identify hidden from anyone. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you call me by my first name. I don't have to be afraid because I have done nothing wrong. And regarding my statements, I take full responsibility for them.
I use "quantumtokyo" because it has some personal signifance; but it is not intended to cover anything.
If you are interested, I think the CIT Debate Team would need people (I'm not sure though). They join the CESAFI debate by around February. If you have questions regading the team, I thinks the former HOUSE SPKR ENGR DENESSY DALAGAN can answer.
it may be an insult to the value of the highest position in the land..then again she needs to find a way to stay in power for a possible parliamentary scenario>prime minister...or she needs to do it since she is expecting some cases filed against her during her term as president...Karma will get her or lord knows what will happen to her..its in the lords hands..
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